Manufacturing a ST★R

A somewhat cynical analysis of our emerging young stars:


How music labels manufacture a ST★R.

Follow these six simple steps:

  1. Find a confident sixteen y.o. boy.
  2. Give them this hair-cut.
  3. Write a catchy pop tune for them to sing thousands of times.
  4. Market the shit out of them to ten-sixteen y.o. girls.
  5. Sell a but-load of merchandise (since no-one pays for music any more).
  6. Count your cash.
Don’t forget to drop them when the cash trail runs dry. They’ll eventually be forgotten and join the halls of one-hit-wonders.
It worked for these once-stars (remember them?):
Zac Efron (formerly associated with the Walt Disney Company)
And more recently, introducing:
But hey, I’m sure it’s good while it lasts. I expect it pays very well, in fact probably more than anyone I know will ever earn!



Update: I had to alter some of the text in this post as it was giving me SEO ranks for unwanted keywords…

Update 2: For a much more insightful analysis of why Justin Bieber has been successful check out Why you need to be following Justin Bieber by Julian Cole.

4 Replies to “Manufacturing a ST★R”

  1. Greyson Chance – 13 yrs old just got signed up to be the first of Ellen Degeneres' new label eleveneleven. He also has 'the' haircut. He's pretty much a duplicate of Bieber in that he got found from a youtube video he posted.

  2. Who cares? I'd like to keep all three of them (and anyone else of the like) out of my mind and into non-existence. Concerning though that it's a growing trend of the 21st century. I don't think they as individuals are to blame (media being the obvious evil for mass-over-excessive publification/promotion creating all kinds of crazy hype), and personally I don't have anything against any of them, so I probably am contradicting myself from earlier but I do think it's unfortunate that millions are scrutinizing and teasing JB. Last time I checked, I'm pretty sure that was seen as bullying. And to end this long-wittled, verbose essay of a comment that should have ended after the first 2 lines, with a cliche – 'celebrities' are humans too (even if they possess a ludicrous yet lustrous hairstyle).

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