Another attempt by Facebook to take over YOUR internet

This button appeared at the top of my Facebook home page (News Feed) today:

Yet another attempt by Facebook to take over your internet. With the recent implementation of their Open Graph protocol (those “Like” buttons you’ve been seeing on every website you visit), and continued rumours of geo-tagged statuses & Facebook virtual money/credit tokens; Facebook really are making a strong push to have a presence on the web FAR beyond

Online, it’s Facebook vs Google for the control of your web experience.
Mobile, it’s Apple vs Google for control of your mobile experience.

I’m not quite sure who I’m rooting for, but it’s sure going to be exciting for consumers. After all, in a competitive open market, the consumer always wins!

Manufacturing a ST★R

A somewhat cynical analysis of our emerging young stars:


How music labels manufacture a ST★R.

Follow these six simple steps:

  1. Find a confident sixteen y.o. boy.
  2. Give them this hair-cut.
  3. Write a catchy pop tune for them to sing thousands of times.
  4. Market the shit out of them to ten-sixteen y.o. girls.
  5. Sell a but-load of merchandise (since no-one pays for music any more).
  6. Count your cash.
Don’t forget to drop them when the cash trail runs dry. They’ll eventually be forgotten and join the halls of one-hit-wonders.
It worked for these once-stars (remember them?):
Zac Efron (formerly associated with the Walt Disney Company)
And more recently, introducing:
But hey, I’m sure it’s good while it lasts. I expect it pays very well, in fact probably more than anyone I know will ever earn!



Update: I had to alter some of the text in this post as it was giving me SEO ranks for unwanted keywords…

Update 2: For a much more insightful analysis of why Justin Bieber has been successful check out Why you need to be following Justin Bieber by Julian Cole.