My blog ranks higher than a retailer’s website in Google Search


Humour me with a quick experiment: run a Google search for the keywords “yd refund” or “yd refund policy“. If your search results are anything like mine, you’ll see a blog post written by Adam Jaffrey on 8 Jan 2010 in the top few results (it’s called Start your complaints at the top | by Adam Jaffrey).

My blog post ranks higher than Yd’s website in Google Search.

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Google trounces Yahoo!… Again

Search engine Yahoo! has copped a fair smacking over the years from major competitor Google, and more recently Microsoft’s Bing.

Yahoo!’s search has been steadily on the decline for years, and it seems that currently their only successful products are Yahoo! Answers and photo sharing site Flickr. Speaking of Flickr, 2 years after Flickr was acquired by Yahoo! they changed the logo adding a “from Yahoo!” subscript on it’s right hand side; causing a backlash from users.

But if there ever was a bad time for negative publicity, this is it.

Off the back of this week’s announcement that Google is rewarding all of their employees with a bonus and 10% pay rise, today news breaks that Yahoo! is rumoured to lay of over 20% of their employees.

Yahoo! just can’t seem to catch a break. Check out the must read “What Happened to Yahoo” by Y Combinator‘s Paul Graham.

Intriguing SEO from “the Fin”

Try typing “fin” into Google. See what happens?

The top link (non-sponsored, I might add!) leads to the Australian Financial Review website. Some great work on the SEO front by the guys down at the Australian Financial Review: or more colloquially known as “the Fin”.

It’s an interesting keyword to aim for though; as I’m not sure how much traffic you’d be hoping to draw from Google searches of the word “fin”. Still a valiant effort, however, polling top result even above the Wikipedia article explaining the conventional fin.

Also notable: The Australian Financial Review did not poll on the first page of either Bing or Yahoo! searches for the keyword “fin”. Very intriguing!

Facebook is NOT about friendship or networks

“Google is to Search, as Facebook is to (what)…?


Facebook, Google.
You know these two companies. You probably use them both on a weekly, if not daily, basis.
Behind the scenes, these two complex web giants have a single linchpin they build all of their business strategies around:


The observation:

Google is all about Search.
Everything Google does is centred around that one little Search box; that box which has made them trillions of dollars.

Facebook is all about Like.

Everything they do is centred around that one little Like button; that button which will shortly make them trillions of dollars.

The reasoning:

When Facebook began, it was all about friendship and networks. This helped them to reach far, far beyond what anyone would constitute as their “critical mass”. Friends, acquaintances, aunts, uncles, mums and dads all joined to build Facebook’s monopoly of 400 million active users. I myself, a daily user of Facebook (for better or worse) was somewhat critical of Facebook’s longevity as it became less private and progressively very, very accessible & public to the world; and to people like my parents (which was one of the reasons I left MySpace for Facebook to begin with!).

I’m going to make a bold claim here, it’s becoming clear that:

Facebook is not about friendship,
Facebook is not about networks;
Facebook is about Liking, and the connections that eventuate via this “Like principle.

We’re beginning to see a repositioning of their business model and strategy towards this concept.

Facebook is making a big move and taking progressive steps to highlight the social act of liking something. All of Facebook is designed around this idea. For example, when you add a friend you’re essentially liking that person. On Facebook we like celebrities, brands, videos, posts and anything else they can slap that Like button on!

It’s becoming clear to me that Facebook’s monetisation strategy is no longer about targeted ads based on your age, sex, location, marital status; but about collecting data and monetising the natural, instinctive social act of liking things.

I’m excited to see how Facebook goes about doing this. Expect to see a lot more of Facebook’s focus on the “Like Principle“.

You heard it here first on Who Is Adam Jaffrey‽


Finally, a shout-out to Julien Smith who inspired this post through his comments on the Six Pixels of Separation podcast (iTunes link), in the episode titled SPOS #203 – Media Hacks #29.


Update (18/06/10): Facebook has just launched the Like feature for individual comments. Another step in the direction of the “Like Principle“. Read more about it on the Facebook blog.

Another attempt by Facebook to take over YOUR internet

This button appeared at the top of my Facebook home page (News Feed) today:

Yet another attempt by Facebook to take over your internet. With the recent implementation of their Open Graph protocol (those “Like” buttons you’ve been seeing on every website you visit), and continued rumours of geo-tagged statuses & Facebook virtual money/credit tokens; Facebook really are making a strong push to have a presence on the web FAR beyond

Online, it’s Facebook vs Google for the control of your web experience.
Mobile, it’s Apple vs Google for control of your mobile experience.

I’m not quite sure who I’m rooting for, but it’s sure going to be exciting for consumers. After all, in a competitive open market, the consumer always wins!