Last week I wrote one of the most popular blog posts I’ve ever written—my post about the future of DVD rentals. It was favoured when measured not only by the statistics, but also by the feedback I received.
What really made me realise people appreciated the post was the number of comments I received about it offline (you know you’ve hit the big leagues when people bring up your blog post in person!). A few examples include:
Sorry I haven’t been around lately. I’ve been busy with a lot of things and have been trying to figure out how to transfer this blog over to the WordPress CMS.
Stay tuned! I’ll be back with some more regular posts soon…
This blog serves as a point of contact to me for potential employers, other marketers, entrepreneurs & the like. That’s why seemed an appropriate domain choice.
Before beginning, I’d like to acknowledge a trap of the blogosphere:
Blogging. Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few.
My goal for this blog is:
To provide a current, relevant and interesting analysis of marketing, entrepreneurial, technological & current affairs topics.
To do this I will keep posts to a minimal length, and only write about thought provoking topics. These will generally be inspired by other blogs, podcasts & my own observations.