AMAZING content

The following video is the best TED talk I’ve ever watched. Hell, It’s possibly the best 16:47 minutes of my life I’ve ever invested in a piece of content.

It’s a keynote by Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why. You won’t be disappointed:

You can also listen to an interview with Simon on the Marketing Over Coffee podcast (iTunes link), in the episode titled Special Interview with Simon Sinek, author of “Start with Why”. I personally believe the podcast interview covers much more content and delves a little deeper than the TED talk.

So, what’s the most amazing piece of content you’ve ever read/heard/watched? Post it below!

What I learned about Marketing whilst skydiving


But, it was bloody amazing! Freefalling from 14,000 feet is the most incredible thing you can experience.

Here are a couple of photos:

(Here’s some link love to the guys at Skydive Nagambie who ROCK!)

Although, I did have a minorly Marketing/Advertising related thought:

Red Bull should do an advertisement containing someone drinking a can of Red Bull whilst in freefall. It matches their brand image (i.e. “Red Bull gives you wings”, etc.), and would look extraordinary! I envision the can beneath the skydiver (held by them, someone else or shots of a combination of both) and they drink the stream of liquid as the wind catches it & it flies upward into their mouth.

Do it like this (watch what happens when the third guy grabs the bottle towards the end of the video):

NOT like this:

And a note to Red Bull GmbH: I’d like a nice compensation plan for my magnificent ad suggestion. I can be contacted via email.