Try typing “fin” into Google. See what happens?
The top link (non-sponsored, I might add!) leads to the Australian Financial Review website. Some great work on the SEO front by the guys down at the Australian Financial Review: or more colloquially known as “the Fin”.
It’s an interesting keyword to aim for though; as I’m not sure how much traffic you’d be hoping to draw from Google searches of the word “fin”. Still a valiant effort, however, polling top result even above the Wikipedia article explaining the conventional fin.
Also notable: The Australian Financial Review did not poll on the first page of either Bing or Yahoo! searches for the keyword “fin”. Very intriguing!
Intriguing… more like expected. I'm no genius when it comes to marketing ploys, but isn't it obvious AFR are sponsoring/financially supporting google in one way or another? Or were you being sarcastic when you said intriguing? Bit hard to get a feel for the tone of your little spiel.
The Australian Financial Review do not have a sponsored search result (paid ad) for the keyword “fin”.
This piece is written honestly without sarcasm.